RS Advanced
17,99€ / Monthly
53,97€ Quarterly
- 10GB Diskspace
- Traffic Unlimited
- max. 256 PHP Memory
- PHP 7.4 - 8.3 FPM
- MySQL unlimited
- Unlimited Mailboxes
- Unlimited Customer
- Unlimited Domains
- 10 IP Adresses / 4 Class-C (shared)
- IP's from DE, BE, CZ, NL, UK
RS Master
24,99€ / Monthly
74,97€ Quarterly
- 20GB Diskspace
- Traffic Unlimited
- max. 256 PHP Memory
- PHP 7.4 - 8.3 FPM
- MySQL unlimited
- Unlimited Mailboxes
- Unlimited Customer
- Unlimited Domains
- 10 IP Adresses / 4 Class-C (shared)
- IP's from DE, BE, CZ, NL, UK
RS Ultra
44.99€/ Monthly
134,97€ Quarterly
- 40GB Diskspace
- Traffic Unlimited
- max. 256 PHP Memory
- PHP 7.4 - 8.3 FPM
- MySQL unlimited
- Unlimited Mailboxes
- Unlimited Customer
- Unlimited Domains
- 10 IP Adresses / 4 Class-C (shared)
- IP's from DE, BE, CZ, NL, UK

Der beliebteste Webserver
Brandneue und ältere Websites werden reibungslos funktionieren. Wir wissen, dass auch SEO wichtig ist. Zum Beispiel bieten wir Ihnen mod_rewrite an, um das Erscheinungsbild Ihrer Seiten zu optimieren.

App-Installation leicht gemacht
Mit unserem 1-Click-Installer können Sie wichtige CMS-Systeme und Skripte installieren. Sie müssen sich nicht einmal um Sicherheitsupdates kümmern.

NGINX powered
NGINX static file processing
Our webservers are equipped with NGINX as frontend server. NGINX handles all client communications including extreme fast HTTPS and static file handling.

Run your favourite apps
We run the most popular scripting engines for your applications. PHP 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 & more via Ruby on Rails, Python, SSI, FastCGI are available.

Industry leading TLS encryption
We are proud to have one of the best TLS encryption offers you will get on the web. You even have full SSH access, encrypted mail communications and full disk encryption with every plan!

High performance hosting
By default Ioncube Loader for commercial applications and Zend Opcache are enabled to turbocharge your visitors experience.